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According to the Universities Act/Universities of Applied Sciences Act, a first-year student may enroll as absent for the academic year only for the legal reasons. The acceptable documents are listed on the website For new degree students If the legal reason for the absence applies only to the second semester, you may choose to enroll as absent for the entire academic year. Submit the required certificates to the Häme University of Applied Sciences Admissions Services by the deadline for accepting the study place using this form. If the certificates are insufficient or not submitted at all by the deadline, the student will be marked as present. Enrolling as an absent student for legal reasons does not affect the regular study time. Please note that if you have enrolled as absent for your first academic year due to personal illness or injury, the absence will count towards the legally allowed two-semester absence period. Enrollment as absent during the semester is not possible. Note! Late certificate will not be considered. The certificates must be submitted in Finnish, Swedish or English. Note that as an absent student, you are yourself responsible for the continuation and progress of your studies because the courses offered to students can vary from one academic year to another. It is also possible that the degree programme does not have an intake for new students every year. Privacy-policy